Judging Criteria

The judging format of Outlit is a unique format based on entertainment, talent, and emotion. There are 6 trophies being handed out with 2 of the trophies being for overall winners and 4 being handed out to spot winners. There is no first, second, or third and it is possible for the overall winners to win individual spots. There is a maximum of 6 individuals taking home trophies and a minimum of 2 individuals taking home trophies. Unlike a traditional style, judging is not based on a point system. The overall winners are being challenged differently than the spot winners. The objective of being an overall winner is to be the most versatile with a variety of obstacles. This will test the rider’s ability to be diverse and adaptive. The overall winner is who did the best on the accumulation of all 4 of the spots. The spots will all be different so being the overall winner really testing who is the best all around rider. The overall winner will be judged through the 6 points listed below (versatility, difficulty, creativity, best overall performance, entertainment, and potentially “close out banger”). The spot winner’s objective is being the most specialized on the specific spot. This will test the rider on a specific area of expertise. The spot winner is the person who put on the best performance on a particular spot being judged through the 3 points listed below (crowd engagement, best constant performance, or “close out banger”). The objective of having 6 possible winners is to allow people to be creative while also showing specific strengths. This contest is about entertainment and the organic formation of sessions without unnecessary stress. Falling will not be counted against athletes but will only contribute to entrainment and hype leading up to a trick. If someone falls and redeems themselves the trick will be worth more than if an athlete doesn’t fall.

Spot winner breakdown:

Each of the 4 spots will have an overall winner. This rider can be in open or pro, it does not matter. It is important to give non pro riders the chance to beat out a pro rider and have their moment for spotlight and acknowledgment. The winner will be judged based on Crowd engagement, best constant performance, or doing a close-out banger. Crowd engagement will be the top priority followed by a consistent performance with the close-out banger really being a combination of both. The winner of the spot is the person who harnesses the climax of energy given by the crowd.

  1. Crowd engagement

This is the excitement and engagement from the audience. This factor is bringing the most entertainment to the crowd where the crowd can recognize effort and determination. The objective of Outlit is to be entertaining so this engagement is the top priority.

The crowd engagement is more focused on the riders journey than the actual trick at hand. The hype could come from a rider finally landing a trick after attempting the trick for the entire 20 minutes and landing it in the final seconds. The point of the contest is about entertainment so an individual could win a spot purely off entertaining the crown through their journey which if entertaining enough could potentially crown a winner of the spot.

2. Best performance

A rider may perform a wide range of tricks on one particular obstacle and land lots of tricks. This is very common during Outlit events and can be very entertaining. The physical performance of doing difficult tricks is important, but it must be entertaining. Showing dominance on a spot can crown someone a spot winner although they must be pulling crowd engagement and will be beaten out by someone who is putting on a better show. Falls do not count against your performance and contribute to a great show especially when a rider is able to persevere.

3. Close-out banger

A close-out banger happens when someone does a scooter tick so profound that it potentially changes what is viewed as possible on a scooter. This would be the perfect combination of crowd engagement and the best performance. A close-out banger would immediately stop the clock and crown them as the winner of that spot. The reason the clock stops and no one can continue is because this is the climax of entertainment, any tricks afterward would be dragging the show on. The only way someone can do a close-out banger is if the trick they're doing changes the perception of what is possible on a scooter and truly is the climax of entertainment. A close-out banger will usually be a “first ever” (stated below) but wouldn’t usually be a “worlds first” (stated below). Determining between a “first ever” and “worlds first” takes the expertise and scooter knowledge from the judges. A close-out banger can theoretically happen at anytime during the 20 minute session but more than likely it will have a big build up and lots of crowd participation. If this happens a representative of the judges must signal to the announcer that a closeout just happened. A rider can only have one close out banger per event but there may be multiple close out bangers from several people. This will be rare but amazing when it happens.

3.1 Close out banger at beginning of spot

The chances of having a closeout banger happen at the beginning of the event is very rare, but possible. If a game changing moment in scootering happens within the first 2 minutes, the spot will continue unless it is truly the climax of entertainment. A rider can only have one close out banger per event but there may be multiple close out bangers from several people.

3.2 First Ever

First ever is defined as a trick that opens the door for other combinations of that trick. Every trick is situational and there may be need for a judging meeting for a decision.

A trick graduates from being a worlds first to a first ever by having a major significance in changing the world of scootering. This could be a first ever 1260 air, flip to grind, double flip to fakie on a quarter pipe, quadruple overhead, the list goes on. This person will be crowned victorious for that spot.

3.3 World First

This is defined as a trick that already has combinations attached to it. These are more descriptive tricks that typically are from adding an extra trick before or after and don’t have any major significance in changing the world of scootering. Example being, world's first buttercup whip finger late whip, cash roll downheel bar twist, and quintuple predator.

This is very situational and spot depending

Overall Open and Pro winner breakdown:

There will be 2 overall winners. 1 pro and 1 open. The easiest way to separate the riders between open and pro is by the color of their wristbands. The overall winner will be judged off of entertainment, versatility, difficulty, creativity, best consistent performance, and potentially a close out banger if it happens (all listed below). It takes a good rider to entertain and dominate a spot, but it takes a great rider to entertain and dominate all the spots consistently. It is important to have scooter riders become all around riders if they want to be considered the “best in the world”. Showcasing a riders skills across an array of different features is the best way to really find out who is truly the best and not who is the most specialized. The winner of a spot or spots can also be the overall winner in pro and open. If someone wins a spot this positively impact their chances of being overall winner if they maintain the same amplitude thought the rest of the contest. When choosing the winner overall the judges must come to a collective decision and the cashmen will be able to put in their input.

  1. Entertainment

The goal of outlit is to be entertaining. Similar to the spot winner entertainment is the top priority. This may be tough because engaging the audience across all 4 obstacles constantly takes a lot of energy and is a quality of a great rider.

2. Versatility

The goal of outlit is to have a diverse range of obstacles for maximum entertainment and to challenge the riders. Ideally there will be 2 street features and 2 park features (this may not always be the case depending on the skatepark/venue but this is the goal). The only way to win the event overall is by being able to ride all 4 obstacles while being entertaining doing it. If a rider does well on 3 obstacles but not all 4 this will most likely ruin their chances of being overall winner for their division.

3. Difficulty

Difficulty is a relative term and is relying on the judges to use their scooter expertise to determine what if difficult. A rider who is crowned the “overall winner” must have the capacity to do difficult tricks on all 4 obstacles showing they are a diverse top level rider.

3. Creativity

Creativity is a staple in being a great rider. Riding a range of different obstacles is difficult for all riders and creativity will be necessary if a rider wants to win overall.

4. Best consistent performance

The best consistent performance is what makes the rider an overall winner. The rider must be able to constantly preform on all of the features presented in a skilled and entertaining fashion. They must have a presence at all 4 obstacles and have done notable tricks on them all. A rider cannot skip an obstacle and expect to be the overall winner.

5. Close out banger

The close out banger is something that is special and rare. A close out banger happens when there is the a perfect storm of crowd engagement and best performance. A rider who does a close out banger definitely increases their chance of being an overall winner but must also participate at a high level at ALL of the other spots presented.

Pro vs Open

At Outlit we have TWO divisions Open and Pro. There is currently a grey area in scootering defining the difference between Pro, AM, Intermediate, JR, and open. To clarify confusion there are only 2 divisions. Everyone who walks through the gate (even spectators) are considered open riders unless specifically chosen or qualified to be pro (qualification list below). The open riders will have a uniquely colored wrist band and the pro riders will have a uniquely colored wristband to separate quickly.

Pro qualification list

  1. Being payed by a manufacturing sponsor

  2. Signature part with manufacturing sponsor

  3. Competed in a World Championship (ISF, World Skate, FISE Finals, Extreme Barcelona) semi finals and/or finals

  4. Won overall open at two Outlit events